Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Design a Logo

Materials needed
colored pencil or markers

Optional, paint, brushes, cup for water,  water, paper towels

Here are some of the worlds most recognizable logos.
Why do you think they are so successful?


What Olympics logo of these do you think worked the best?... Why? 
What doesn't really work?.. Why?
What would you do differently if you could redesign it?

How about these fashion name brands that people will spend major money on. What do you think is the best design?

What is your favorite vehicle logo?

OK now its your turn to create one! Choose one of these.  
  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Transportation
  • Technology
  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Health care
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Industry

  • Chose a name for your product. Think about the font you will use, design, style, size, feeling.
  • Draw out the design at least three if not ten times. Give yourself plenty of different ideas to choose from. It can be simple for now. Perfection comes in just a bit.
  • Think about shape, line, emphasis, movement, texture, font, complexity versus simplicity. Often less is more .
  • Now sit back and enjoy your designs and choose the best one. You can even show it to others and get their opinion.
  • Now its time for perfection. Draw it out as carefully as you can. 
  • Use a ruler if you need a strait line! Or if you need a perfect circle you can draw around a cup or bowl. Use a black pen or sharpie to go over the pencil making it look professional.
  •  You can even choose to use a thicker, higher quality paper and paint in the design using a fine brush. 
  • Finally, sit back and enjoy your good work!

Check this out to learn more about color psychology behind logos.


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